I am a qualified sound therapy practitioner awarded a practitioner level diploma by The British Academy of Sound Therapy.

What is sound therapy?
Sound healing uses sound to improve health and wellbeing, and people have been using sound in this way for thousands of years. Sound therapy takes it further using a reflective process, increasing the benefits and potential of sound healing. This reflective process looks at how the client is feeling on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Many clients report how this reflective process along with the sound therapy had profound impact, even after just one session.
So, how does it work? Instruments are used in a certain way to entrain the brain, creating the opportunity for deep relaxation, and allowing access to altered states of consciousness (“ASC”). ASC is a natural state that we may experience at different times of the day, such as when we are daydreaming or just falling off to sleep. Being in a state of deep relaxation and without sleeping can enable us to access these other states of consciousness which research has found can provide insights into particular problems and life situations.
On a physical level, sound can resonate with parts of the human body, such as bones and fluids, creating a relaxed state where muscle tension can ease, and pain be relieved.
Research has shown that sound can affect us on a cellular level, impacting brain, nerve, muscle, and organ function. It has shown that spending regular periods of time in states of deep relaxation has many health and wellbeing benefits, having a positive effect on mental health and physical pain.
Potential benefits of sound therapy include:
- Reduce stress
- Lower anxiety
- Ease muscle tension
- Relieve pain
- Improve sleep
- Overall mental and spiritual wellbeing
Awarenesses and Contraindications
Sound therapy may not be suitable for everyone. The following are some contraindications:
- First three months of pregnancy
- People fitted with a pacemaker (unless permission from a doctor)
- Frequency triggered epilepsy or seizures
- Recent surgery or medical procedure
- Severe mental illnesses
- Severe physical health conditions
This will be discussed with you when you book a 121 session.
If you are attending a sound bath, please exercise your own judgement, and/or discuss with your doctor or consultant prior to attending an event.
PLEASE NOTE: by attending an event you are acknowledging that you have read the contraindications and are taking personal responsibility. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.